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23.04.2016, 12:53
Has anyone dealt with this watch shop/dealer before? Any feed back would be much appreciated.:top:

Hans E.
23.04.2016, 12:57
Yes, they are serious :gut:

Mr. Joe
23.04.2016, 13:36
Well, I do not have dealt with them but I suppose Hans meant them to be reliable.

Sorry for "Klugscheisser"Mode

23.04.2016, 15:14
They are ok.

23.04.2016, 15:38
I bought a watch there some years ago - nice store, nice people and good service. Clear "go" from my point of view. Only watchout are quite high prices - yet as always, buy the seller.


23.04.2016, 15:48
Take care that the watch you want to see is in the shop!
I spent two hours in the car just to hear that it is within a small service project since four hours (we phoned at this time). They told me to wait as it wouldn't take a long time. After 1 1/2 hours waiting I spent another two hours driving home. So I do not recommend them.

shortys home
23.04.2016, 17:18
Many transactions done with them, no complaints at all, I can recommend them!


23.04.2016, 17:27
honorable dealer, no bargain shop.

23.04.2016, 18:09
Bought some watches at B&S. Shop near Bayrischer Hof in Munich.

23.04.2016, 19:13
perfect dealer. you can trust them.

23.04.2016, 22:06
Good dealer !

24.04.2016, 00:23
Does what a good dealer should do.. Bought two watches there and it worked out just fine.

24.04.2016, 09:50
B&S :gut:

Magnum Fan
24.04.2016, 10:04
Bought there a watch. Can recommend them!

24.04.2016, 22:05
Serious and recommendable! Know what they do.

Not the cheapest ones.

ehemaliges mitglied
24.04.2016, 22:58
Bought from B&S:gut:

24.04.2016, 23:23
Hast Du sie gekauft Claus ?!

War am Montag Nachmittag vor Ort, da war sie schon weg ... doof für mich.

Viel Spaß damit :dr:

Bachmann & Scher :gut:

25.04.2016, 10:22
Thanks for the generally good feedback, so far.

I will be dealing with them online. Would you still have the same confidence on them as compared to dealing with them directly by being at their shop physically?

Again thank you for all the replies.

25.04.2016, 10:23
sorry... double post

25.04.2016, 11:36
Go ahead, B&S -even if the akronym isn´t that nice- definitely belong to the good guys....

25.04.2016, 12:22
Bought my first Rolex at B&S and would always go back there. Recommended.
They do have fair prices in general. This location doesn't come cheap either...

ehemaliges mitglied
25.04.2016, 19:46
Hast Du sie gekauft Claus ?!

War am Montag Nachmittag vor Ort, da war sie schon weg ... doof für mich.

Viel Spaß damit :dr:

Bachmann & Scher :gut:

Ja, hab ich dort gekauft... 2008;)

21.05.2016, 11:56
Die Patek würde ich mittlerweile ja auch für über Liste kaufen. Aber 28k find ich schon frech :D

30.05.2016, 14:27
Ja, hab ich dort gekauft... 2008;)

great, fantastic. Congrats

31.05.2016, 11:09
Bought a faulty Panerai Chronograph. Till this day, the watch is in service. We will see how it ends.

31.05.2016, 13:30
Bought a faulty Panerai Chronograph. Till this day, the watch is in service. We will see how it ends.

One DJ I bought there was services twice by them - the first time within guarantee period, second time afterwards. Both times to total satisfaction and for free :gut:

31.05.2016, 14:03
Und du zitierst mich, weil?
Damit es nicht so aussieht als hätten sie mir ne kaputte Uhr verkauft?
Damit es der TS weiß, das der Service deiner funktionsfähigen Uhr in Ordnung war?

31.05.2016, 14:51
Ich bin weder verwandt noch verschwägert mit Bachmann & Scher. Um mich richtig auszudrücken - meine DJ hatte nach einigen Monaten ein Problem mit dem Werk (also ähnliches Setting wie bei Dir). Um den thematischen Bezug hervorzuheben habe ich auf die Zitatfunktion zurückgegriffen.

Sollte ich Dir damit auf den Schlips getreten sein, so bitte ich höflichst um Verzeihung - alles easy mit dem richtigen Ton :gut:

31.05.2016, 15:37
Keine Sorge wegen dem Schlips, trage ja Fliege. ;)
Will nur hoffen das sie meine Uhr auch hinbekommen.

20.06.2016, 09:07
You can also buy Patek at Wilfart in Nuremberg.. Same watches